KSiInventory 1.1

Posted in Uncategorized on February 11, 2009 by kilmersoftware

The newest version of KSiInventory can be found at http://kilmersoftware.com/KSiInventory.zip

The newest version contains many new features. It has the ability to print with pictures included. It has the option to view a larger version of images. The images are now properly rotated, and if you do want to rotate the image, that option is now available. It also included an auto-update feature. This should have been originally included, but was not. With the newest version, it will now alert you if there is a more current version of KSiInventory. My new site is at http://www.kilmersoftware.com. There is a web designer that I have hired to work on it. What is currently available on the site is just a placeholder. He will have the full site finished and uploaded within the next month

Thomas Kilmer

KSiInventory Now Available

Posted in Uncategorized on December 30, 2008 by kilmersoftware

KSiInventory is now available. Use this application to easily start documenting your items. Then, export it to your iphone. Only the iPhone application allows users to add images. They can be viewed on your Mac, but not added. You must have Mac OS X Leopard to use this application. You also need a Mobile Me account to sync with the iPhone version. A Windows version should be available in February.

If you have any issues with the application or the download servers, please email me at tlkilmer@sbcglobal.net. I will try to resolve the issues immediately.


iInventory Update 1.2

Posted in Uncategorized on December 12, 2008 by kilmersoftware

Hi Everyone,

I am currently performing tests on the new update to prevent any crashing issues. I have had a slight delay, but I will be submitting the update by Sunday, 12/4. I added one more unique feature. Users will now have the option to incorporate a PIN number. This will provide some security to the application. The Mac version will not be available until 1/1/09. The update will still provide Mobile ME backup in the mean time. I will provide more updates in the following days.

If you need to contact me, please send me an email. I rarely have a chance to review comments.

Thomas Kilmer


iInventory update 11/23

Posted in Uncategorized on November 24, 2008 by kilmersoftware

Hi Everyone,

A quick update. iInventory update 1.1.2 is still pending. It has been pending for a week now. Apple has been busy with 2.2. They should have it approved shortly. On another note, update 1.2 is nearly completed for the iPhone. Beta testers are still looking for bugs, but I am certain it will be ready soon. Unfortunately, it will not contain additional photos at this time. This is the updated roster for 1.2:


-Search option: Examine an entire inventory and return a list of items that match a certain characteristic.

-Mobile Me back-up: With the use of a Mobile Me account, you can back-up your inventory and all the images to the Mobile Me servers. Protect your information against data loss.

-Mac OS X version. This will be available for free. Distribution has not been determined yet. It will probably contain unobtrusive advertisements. These ads will hopefully cover the development costs. 

-A few other basic features may be added to improve the interface. 


At this time, multiple images cannot be added due to memory usage. Some users have noticed crashing when using the camera more than 5 times. The current update fixes this issue and the issue where it will crash when you view too many items. Currently, Mobile Me back-ups only support a 10 mb or less inventory. Two images will drastically reduce the size of an inventory if it is to be synced with Mobile Me. I will post more information as it becomes available.


If you have enjoyed the use of this application, please email me at tlkilmer@sbcglobal.net and let me know. If you have any comments, questions, or complaints, please email me at the same email address. I will try to help you to the best of my ability. I will post the other basic features as they become implemented.


Thomas Kilmer

KSiInventory beta

Posted in Uncategorized on November 12, 2008 by kilmersoftware

Hello everyone,

It is now time to begin testing the beta version of KSiInventory. If you are interested, and meet the following pre-requisites, email me at kilmersoftware@me.com. That email address is dedicated to iInventory beta program.

-Own a Mac

-Subscribe to Mobile ME

-Own a copy of iInventory iPhone

I will only be able to take a limited amount of users. You will have to agree to certain terms when downloading the software.


Thomas Kilmer

iInventory update

Posted in Uncategorized on November 12, 2008 by kilmersoftware

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick update on iInventory for both the iPhone and Mac. I have been receiving requests all week for new updates. I will post the official list for update 1.2 tomorrow. However, there are a couple notes I need to make. Version 1.2 will contain the ability to back-up and restore via Mobile Me. This is the same method that will be used to sync with the Mac version. You can get a free trial of Mobile Me to try it out. I understand that this will greatly limit the number of people willing to use the Mac Version. I have been working with an Apple Engineer all today. This is the only sure way to sync data and provide a secure method for doing so. My main concern is data integrity. Using Mobile Me, you will be able to sync anywhere. Even if you are away from your Mac, you will be able to back-up or restore through mobile me. Although this update will contain this feature, the Mac version will still not be available until January.

 I am not removing the possibility of creating a PC version of iInventory. With the ability to use Mobile Me, the chances have greatly increased.  On another note, I have received one report of a bug that removed an entire category. If anyone experiences this issue, please email me with the circumstances. I will try to resolve it immediately.


Thomas Kilmer

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at tlkilmer@sbcglobal.net

iInventory Featured Application

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on November 4, 2008 by kilmersoftware

First off, I want to thank everyone for making this application a success. It is currently a featured application on iTunes. I would love to hear your feedback on iInventory. Please email me at tlkilmer@sbcglobal.net. Just a heads up on future updates. 


Version 1.2 – Currently in development. Release: Early December

-Allows multiple images 

-Build a list of your inventory items that have a specified characteristic. For example, all items across all categories that have a current location of the living room.

-Minor bug fixes


Version 1.3 – Pre-development. Release: Early January

-Allows exporting and importing from the Mac OS X version of iInventory. Currently this application is called KSInventory. (iInventory is already taken on the Mac platform)

Please email me with any suggestions for additional features. Depending on the demand and my knowledge, they could be added for version 1.2. I will be releasing a FAQ in the coming days to help with many common problems. As a note, I have had a report of crashing under very certain circumstances. I am investigating this issue and will release more information as I have it available. If you experience any crashing, please send me an email with the circumstances. I am trying to recreate the problem to come up with a solution. When a solution is available, an update will be submitted to fix the problem. I want to make sure that everyone has a good experience using this application. I will try to provide the best help that I can to fix any problem.


Thanks for your support!

Thomas Kilmer



Posted in Uncategorized on October 21, 2008 by kilmersoftware

Thank your for your interest in purchasing or your purchase! This post will discuss a couple features of iInventory and suggestions. First, be sure to save your information every few entries. Some, not many iPhones, experience memory issues and can crash during normal operation. This will ensure data integrity. This usually occurs when using the camera. At this point, this is the only known issue, and a fix is on Apple’s side. 


If you have any comments, suggestions, or complaints, email me at tlkilmer@sbcglobal.net.


I am working on a MAC version that will allow you to view, import, and export your inventory. This may take a while, but please be patient. The MAC version will be free to those who purchased iInventory on the iPhone in the month of October and November. Look for the MAC version during the first part of next year.

Passwd Support

Posted in Passwd on October 4, 2008 by kilmersoftware

For all of those that have issues with the font size and color, the update is coming. It should be available sometime next weekend. Hopefully by August 10th this will no longer be an issue. If anyone has suggestions on improving this application to be more useful contact tlkilmer@sbcglobal.net

GhostEX is Live!!

Posted in GhostEx with tags , , on September 6, 2008 by kilmersoftware
Are you ready for a scary new addition to the iPhone game library? Well this is not it, but if you ever dreamed of being a GhostBuster or a Ghost Hunter, then this is the game for you. Enjoy the creepy music, and the exciting gameplay. This game is far more addicting than your average Whack-A-Mole type game. This game will challenge you in many ways. Try hard everyday, to increase your high score. Hopefully, you will be able to improve.

As you prepare for Halloween, you should have a game that shows it. This is the perfect game to add to your iPhone library. If you like ghosts, try this game. Hit the red ghosts, and you will be rewarded, but hit the blue ghosts, and be punished. Everyone can enjoy this amazing ghost hunting game! Good Luck, and go whack those ghouls!


If you are interested in purchasing GhostEX, just go to http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=289192489&mt=8 and purchase. Afterwards, make sure you leave a positive review. With more purchases, it will be easier to continue to produce high-quality, low cost, apps.